Hello! My name is Vitalii Pcholkin.
I am a social entrepreneur!
At the age of 19, I received a serious injury that forced me to see life from another side, namely from a wheelchair. I was lucky to get into an active rehabilitation camp, where people with similar injuries showed me a different life - full and rich. It took years to learn how to take care of myself, and then to create my own family. Currently, I am the executive director of the All-Ukrainian Association of Persons with Disabilities "Group of Active Rehabilitation" and I protect the rights of people with disabilities. My personal life experience turned into InvaFishki - a project that changes the quality of life of people with disabilities.
Who we are
Our activities
InvaFishki is the territory of the independent life of a person with a disability.
We help every person with a disability to overcome the barrier of isolation and expand their life opportunities by creating our own and by offering foreign convenient and high-quality self-care tools.
We believe that disability is only one of the person's characteristics. The Soviet past, prejudice and ignorance of the people about their own capabilities almost completely isolates them from society. The inability to meet basic self-care needs makes a person with a disability dependent and disoriented in life. This can be solved by providing the necessary knowledge, skills and appropriate tools.
Invafishki is a set of services aimed at developing self-care skills and achieving maximum independence from outside assistance for people with disabilities:
an online platform offering products aimed at increasing the independence of people with disabilities
individual selection of tools and consultation for clients
video demonstration of the practical use of the tools
motivation for an active and independent life.
The plans include the opening of our own production of tools aimed at self-care and compensation of impaired functions for a person with a disability.
Kyiv, Ukraine