Social Impact Day 2021 took place yesterday: SIA Ukraine 2021 International Conference and Award Ceremony. Congratulations to the winners - IONKID, CupToU, Check It, who received € 1,500 for the development of their impact startups, as well as the favorites of the audience Challity, who received € 500.
During the event, a separate block was dedicated to our international expert, the head of the Impact Funds Initiative from EVPA - Martin Blom. He started his career as an entrepreneur in 2003 when he left JongeHonden. Since 2007, he has been an active investor in his native Netherlands with his company Droomzaken. In 2016, he co-founded Hivos Impact Investments and two foundations managed by a large Dutch NGO. For many years, Martine has held many positions on the boards and investment committees of foundations initiated by universities and the Dutch government. He is also a co-founder and a member of the board of De Investeerdersclub. Now Martin is a business angel of the Ukrainian Social Venture Fund, which we are developing together with partners.
Also during the conference, we discussed important aspects for social entrepreneurs - starting a business and attracting financial resources or not. Successful impact entrepreneurs shared their own experiences, mistakes and real success stories. Here we both laughed and were proud, and, of course, we were inspired.
The SILab Ukraine team did not sit aside and also took part in the conference and awards. You have definitely seen us in the role of moderators and members of the jury. We had a great experience! Thank you!
It will be recalled that it was organized with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the joint EU4USociety initiative. The co-organizer of the conference is the School of ME.