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Results of the questionnaire

On March 1-12, 2022, SILab Ukraine in cooperation with experts in the field of social entrepreneurship conducted an express online survey among Ukrainian social enterprises on the adaptation of their activities to wartime conditions.

Among the main tasks of the survey, it is possible to identify the following:

- To determine the share of social enterprises that have stopped their activities due to hostilities.

- To determine the share of enterprises that continue their activities, have changed their business model, products, spheres of activity.

- To identify the basic needs that social entrepreneurs are dealing with during the military conflict and what support they need.

A total of 36 social enterprises provided feedback on the questionnaire.

In terms of geographical distribution, social enterprises represent the following regions of Ukraine:

  • Western Ukraine - 8 social enterprises

  • Central Ukraine - 9 social enterprises

  • Eastern Ukraine - 6 social enterprises

  • Southern Ukraine - 8 social enterprises

  • Kyiv - 5 social enterprises

The question «How does your social enterprise work today?» was answered in the following way:

  • 33% of the surveyed enterprises have suspended their activities;

  • 3% continue working without changes;

  • 14% continue to sell their goods and services having changed the line of their products based on today’s needs;

  • more than 40% have given up the business component and continue working purely as a social initiative with the support of external donations.

So, most social enterprises continue their activities, but the format of these activities has changed. Among the main changes are the following:

  • reorientation of main products to urgent needs. For example, if a social enterprise used to be engaged in sewing clothes, now it sews sleeping bags, socks, thermal underwear, etc.;

  • instead of non-formal education programs for children and youth, social enterprises create kid’s rooms for children from internally displaced families;

  • instead of making confectionery, enterprises started making intermediate goods or dry rations for internally displaced persons;

  • suspension of main activities and allocation of premises for the creation of a shelter for internally displaced persons;

  • suspension of the main activities and allocation of premises for logistical arrangement;

  • with the help of involved charitable resources, provision of services to the civilians affected by hostilities;

  • delivery of humanitarian aid and its distribution among those who need it;

  • other.

Additionally, managers/owners of social enterprises have shared information on the number of employees who continue working:

  • in 49% of social enterprises, the number of employees remains unchanged;

  • in 31% of social enterprises, the number of employees decreased;

  • in 6% of social enterprises, the number of employees increased;

  • in 14% of social enterprises, the number of employees increased because of the volunteers.

In order to support their current activities, social entrepreneurs mentioned, among others, the need in assisting with:

  • purchase of equipment (sewing machines, dough mixers, medical equipment, etc.)

  • purchase of furniture and goods to set up shelters for IDPs (mattresses, chairs, tables, kettles, heaters, generators, first aid kits, etc.);

  • purchase of consumables (mostly different types of fabrics);

  • purchase of fuel;

  • rent payment;

  • purchase of food for vulnerable groups of population;

  • payment of fees to their employees who started working as volunteers 24/7.




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